With the 2020 election right around the corner, now is the time to create your voting plan and stick to it!
Voting on November 3rd is a great option for casting your ballot, but it isn’t the only way to vote. In fact, early voting can be one of the best ways to cast your ballot because of the simplicity, flexibility, and ease of the process. Here are some reasons to consider voting early in-person.
1. Same day registration
Early voting gives you the opportunity to register or update your registration the same day that you vote. This opportunity is ONLY available during early voting, so if you need to register or update your registration, bring a government issued photo ID and a recent piece of mail to your current address to an early voting location in your county.
2. Shorter poll lines
When individuals are able to vote over a longer period of time, there tends to be less crowding at the polls, resulting in shorter lines and shorter waiting times per day. This especially applies to the early voting period as opposed to the lines during the day of the election.
3. If there is a glitch, you can go back
If, when you go to vote early, there is an issue or too long of a line, you can always return at a different date or time. This gives you a back-up plan that is not necessarily guaranteed on the day of the election.
4. Helps fellow neighbors with busy, inflexible schedules
By voting early, you allow the day of the election to be designated specifically for individuals with busy or inflexible schedules, giving them shorter lines and easier access to the polls.
5. Helps protect against misinformation and meddling
Research shows that misinformation has a larger impact on voters the closer it gets to an election. There is less time to fact-check information or debunk myths. The window of time to the election could narrow to the point where if someone is deterred from voting due to false information, they won’t have another chance.
6. Creates a more efficient and fair election process
By voting early, you allow for a smoother voting process for everyone - other voters, poll workers, election officials, etc. Spreading out the votes gives workers the time to process votes efficiently and effectively, and it gives other voters the space they need to vote as well.
While COVID-19 makes the 2020 General election much different from past elections, it is more important than ever to make your voice heard with your vote. For more information regarding early voting in North Carolina click this link.
Join PEA for #EarlyVoteWS Day on Friday, October 23rd 10AM-2PM, with a big social media campaign, raffle prizes, giveaways and more. We would love to see you there. For more information click here.
Source: https://www.vox.com/2020-presidential-election/2020/8/27/21369269/vote-e...