Greener local policies will ensure a brighter, more sustainable future.
Piedmont Environmetal Alliance is dedicated to promoting environmental policies and practices at the local level to help drive big, systematic change in our region. Read below to learn about some of these efforts.
Learn more about our ongoing campaigns and initiatives and join us today.
Affordable Healthy Homes
Electrifying your home is all about transitioning from fossil-fuel powered appliances to elec
tric ones. For example, replacing a gas furnace with an electric heat pump. With more clean energy - like solar and wind - powering the grid everyday, electric appliances will become even more effective tools for mitigating climate change over time.
Solarize the Triad
Solarize the Triad
In September 2024, Piedmont Environmental Alliance - alongside local businesses, non-profits, and government organizations - launched a new initiative to drive down the cost of solar for Triad residents while urging our community to take advantage of limited-time federal tax incentives. The program allows residents who want to install sollar panels at home to take part in a group purchasing plan and get expert guidance on how to maximize tax credits and incentives. The more community members who sign up as part of this program, the less it will cost for all members of the program to purchase solar panels.
Are you a resident of the Piedmont Triad who wants to join the movement to Solarize the Triad? Sign up for a free home evaluation today!
School Bus Electrification
In 2024, The Arts Based School in Winston-Salem became the first in the triad to be awarded $345,000 for the purchase of an all-electric school bus and associated charging infrastructure, via the Clean School Bus Program. This groundbreaking investment in zero-emission transportation will support cleaner air for our children, produce immediate long-term cost-savings for the school, and futher grow our region's clean energy economy. Piedmont Enviornmental Alliance is a member of the Alliance for Electric School Buses and helped team members at the Arts Based School secure funding to win the EPA grant.
Are you a resident of the Piedmont Triad who wants to bring a clean school bus to your school? Contact us to learn more about how PEA can support your efforts.
2024 Environmental Agenda
As primary election season is upon us, several candidates running for local office have reached out to inquire about how the climate is changing in our region, what impact that has on voters, and how to take action.In response, PEA created these talking points which are informed by the members of our organization and the work PEA does every day to create a more just, resilient, and environmentally sustainable Piedmont Triad.
This information has been made available to all candidates for local office, and we encourage voters to use it to talk with candidates about local environmental issues.
Business Solar Initiatives
Piedmont Environmental Alliance is empowering businesses in the Triad to make BIG moves when it comes to going solar. This year, PEA worked with Second Harvest Food Bank of NWNC to help plan for a one-megawatt rooftop solar installation, which will begin in summer 2024. This installation will save Second Harvest more than $100,000 per year in energy costs and will be one of the largest solar arrays in the entire state of North Carolina. PEA assisted with this project by helping to conduct interviews with various solar installers, connecting Second Harvest with information about maximizing tax incentives for solar energy, and providing guidance on the solar installation process.
Are you a triad business owner who wants to go solar? Our team can help you navigate the process!
Green Business Network
Did you know that nearly half of U.S. consumers say they would change their consumption habits to reduce environmental impact? If you're like us, then you value businesses that are committed to protecting our environment and improving local sustainability. That's why we launched the Piedmont Environmental Alliance Green Business Network.
PEA's Green Business Network is an innovative program designed to help people in our community identify sustainable businesses while providing a roadmap to sustainability to local business owners.
Environmental Action Coalition
Working together to advocate for change
Our coalition is developing shared vision, strategy, and messaging to advocate for environmental policies and actions in North Carolina's Piedmont region. Join us for monthly meetings and a shared email list to communicate together as we build power for a more just, resilient, and sustainable community.
This coalition is open to individuals and groups across sectors.
The coalition meets every third Tuesday of the month at 12pm, locations vary.
100% Renewable Energy Resolutions
In 2020, PEA joined forces with advocates from Sierra Club Foothills Group, Citizens Climate Lobby, NC Climate Solutions Coalition, the Poor People's Campaign, and The Climate Reality Project WS to pass resolutions in both Forsyth County and the City of Winston-Salem to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050. The county-wide resolution was passed in March 2020, followed by a city resolution in November 2020. The resolutions call for a transition to 100% renewable energy and the creation of green jobs. The resolutions also aim to address environmental justice and promote economic growth with previsions to assist vulnerable communities, add jobs to the local economy, and set goals for renewable energy sector growth.
Resolution for Sustainability in Schools
On Nov. 15, 2022 the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School Board passed a resolution pledging to integrate environmental sustainability into school operations and curriculum. The resolution takes a systems-level approach to integrating sustainability across the school system. Features include making school facilities more energy-efficient, reducing landfill waste with recycling and compost programs, greening school grounds with more sustainable learning landscapes, and engaging students through curricula every step of the way. Piedmont Environmental Alliance (PEA) worked with WS/FCS Superintendent Tricia McManus, WS/FCS Operations and Facilities leadership, administrators, school board members, parents, and teachers to develop this resolution and to advocate for more coordination on local sustainability efforts. Click here to read the full resolution.
After the passing of Resolution for Environmental Sustainability by the school board in November 2022, the district has launched a Sustainability Committee. This committee is currently assessing needs and drafting a strategic plan for incorporating sustainability into operation and curriculum across the district.
Are you a resident of the Piedmont Triad who wants to pass a resolution like this in your school district? Contact us to learn more about how PEA can support your efforts.
Waste Reduction Initiatives
PEA consults with local community members, businesses, and non-profits to transition to lower waste practices.
Do you want to host a low-waste event or transition to lower waste practices at your business, home or non-profit?
City Sustainability Committees
The city of Winston-Salem is looking for community members to join their efforts to create a greener triad! Committees help inform the city on policies that concern clean air and water, pedestrian paths and greenways, green jobs, and more!
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