We're "Greening" Local Business
Did you know that nearly half of U.S. consumers say they would change their consumption habits to reduce environmental impact? If you're like us, then you value businesses that are committed to protecting our environment and improving local sustainability. That's why we launched the Piedmont Environmental Alliance Green Business Network.
PEA's Green Business Network is an innovative program designed to help people in our community identify sustainable businesses while providing a roadmap to sustainability to local business owners.
Here's how it works. Local business owners sign up to complete a scorecard of sustainability action items ranging from creating short-term goals to making long-term green investments. For each task they accomplish, they get points toward their overall total. Those who reach the required threshold of points will become a certified network member.
We reward members of our network by sharing who they are and what they're doing to promote local sustainability. By broadcasting their accomplishments through our emails, our blog, social media shoutouts, and more, we hope to encourage even more businesses to take action with us and improve our environment here at home.
Are you a business owner who wants to join us to create a more just, resilient, and sustainable Piedmont Triad?