Building a more just, resilient, and sustainable local economy together
When we think about our community’s need for cleaner air and water, people-first transportation, more green space, equitable job creation and living wages, it is easy to see that there is so much work that needs doing. But oftentimes the jobs that are available don’t match the critical work that needs to be done.
PEA's Triad Green Job Center is filling in that gap, with a mission to:
Ensure an abundance of meaningful, good-paying, green jobs here in the Greater Winston-Salem area; and
Help job-seekers find dignified, joyful places to work in the local green economy.
Featured Green Job Openings
March 2025
Solar Technician Trainee, Solarize The Triad and Tech Careers
Location: Goler CDC in Winston-Salem
Cost: Tuition-free for the 6-week course
Organizer, NC Conservation Network
Location: Remote or Hybrid
Pay: $38,000 - $44,000 w/ full benefits
Market Manager, Triad Buying Co-op
Pay: $20 per hour, up to 6 hours a week, initially
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Director of State and Local Engagement, UndauntedK12
Pay: $100,000 - $140,000
Location: Remote
Energy Solutions Summer 2025 Intern, Energy Solutions
Pay: Undergrad, $21 /hr; Grad, $24 /hr
Location: Remote
Click here to see all of our green jobs
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For regular updates on green job openings, climate action resources, and sustainable career resources, sign up for The Green Way, a new publication of PEA's Triad Green Job Center.