Grow with Us - Made in the Shade: Great Gardens in Lower Light

March 24, 2025 -
6:30pm to 7:30pm
1420 Price Park Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410

Gardening in the shade can be very rewarding! We’ll discuss a variety of plants that will brighten and add color to your cool shady retreat. This is an IN-PERSON seminar, presented by our Extension Master Gardener volunteers. The same program will be presented as a virtual session online via Zoom on a different date. Click here to view the information and register for the online session via Zoom. An abundance of large trees and shady areas in the yard is an exciting challenge to the creative gardener, not an obstacle. Gardening in the shade can be very rewarding! We’ll discuss a variety of shrubs, annuals, perennials, and woodland plants that will brighten and add color to your cool shady retreat.

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