Piedmont Environmental Alliance's Green Business Network is a membership and certification program designed to launch small business and nonprofits here in the Piedmont Triad toward a more sustainable future. As a part of this new program, participants will complete action items to "green" their businesses and receive recognition for their efforts in the form of cause marketing and network benefits.
Each participating business will receive access to a Budding Business Scorecard or a Green Business Scorecard that awards points for each sustainability action completed. Each business that completes the required threshold of points will become a certified PEA Green Business Member or Budding Business Member in recognition of their efforts. The 4 highest scoring Green Business Members will be nominated as PEA's Green Business of the Year. Click here to view a full list of resources and benefits available to participants and members.
Prior to signing up via the link below, please connect directly with PEA's Green Jobs Program Manager Will Eley at will@peanc.org to find out more about the responsiblilities of being a network member and whether your organization fits our pre-screening criteria.
Sign up using the link below, or contact info@peanc.org for more information.