Share your artwork with the community and win prizes. Register by April 18th!
Students in grades K through 12 are invited to participate in the 2025 Piedmont Earth Day Art Contest.
Create a piece of artwork about Earth Day and what it means to you. Maximum size is standard posterboard size - 22" by 28". Drop off your artwork on or before April 25th to have it displayed at the Earth Day Fair.
Drop off:
- 426 Old Salem Rd. from 8:30AM-3PM April 7 - 24th
- Education Building, Winston-Salem Fairgrounds on April 25th between 9AM and 5PM
Winners will be announced live at the Earth Day Fair on April 26.
All artwork must include a "label" on a front corner with student name, grade and school and email address. Artwork not picked up from the PEA Office by 4PM on May 2 will be recycled.